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Things to know

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Things to know

Buy kite material – but where?

Mostly everything starts with a kite course and after the first minutes on the board you are infected. Now it’s time to open your wallet and look deep into it, because now you need equipment.

Here you are with a complete equipment quickly over 2000, -. In order to keep the costs as low as possible, it is recommended to use used material at the beginning. So a kite crash with a loud bang in the heart does not hurt so much and it saves some money.

Alternatively, you can of course rent the equipment, but the basic equipment such as harness, safety leash and neoprene you should already buy. I’ll go into more detail about borrowing vs. buying in another post.

Today it’s all about used kite material from the internet, which kite exchanges are there and what should I look out for.

From now on our KITE travel guides: Kitesurfing in Croatia, Kitesurfing in Greece,Mainland and Kitesurfing in Sardinia, are available in our store.

Alle drei Kitereiseführer

Used market for kite material

Here you will find a list of the most popular used kite market sites on the internet, where most kiters offer their kite equipment for sale.
The ads page of ebay is also a good place to go for kitematerial.
The Austrian ad page is worthwhile even if you are not from Austria. You can also find a lot of kite material.
Is a general surfing site and offers among other things also a classifieds spate which is well used. But also otherwise worth a look at this site with a forum, weather, surf spots, material search and much more.
This is a very helpful site if you are tired of searching the whole internet for suitable material. Several used market sites are united here. So you can find ads from ebay, ebay-kleinanzeigen, the Facebook group: Kite and Windsurf Gebrauchtmarkt and from getakite directly.
Here also used or reduced material is offered, so a look is worthwhile.

Groups on Facebook

The second-hand market trade has also arrived on Facebook. So there are some groups where you can search or offer your suitable material. Here are three of the ones I know.

Swiss pages

Our dear neighbors also have numerous kite markets on the Internet. Here you should only make sure that the currency is francs and it is a non-EU country.


Tips when buying used

The most to consider is the purchase of kites and the appropriate bar. Because a board is a matter of taste and can also be older. A neoprene should fit well and fit for your kite plans. And a harness should not be too old that it does not travel under circumstances.

But now to the most important, the kite. You should always keep these 4 points in mind when buying your new old kite:

1. kite and bar

The bar should always match the kite and also belong to the same brand. This way you have the best kite control. Therefore, it is best to buy both together. Unless you already have a kite from the same brand, then you can use one bar for multiple kites.

2. safety system

The most important part of your kite is on the bar, the safety system and this must be present, otherwise your kite trip will be very dangerous.

Today’s kites from 2008 onwards all have a good two-stage safety system.

This means:

  • First stage, release the kite and it just hangs on a line.
  • Second stage kite completely detach from you.

This should definitely be present, if you are not sure ask the seller, or research the material offered on the Internet.

3. not too old

Basically you can still fly the kites from 2008. But here it depends on what condition it is in. How is the kite cloth, already very porous? How are the lines of the bar, they were flown often? Is the kite tight, or is it losing air?

Therefore, it is best to buy a kite that is not older than 3 years, then you will have something from it for longer. Where even 5 years are still ok depends on the wear and how often he was flown.

So you can assume that if a school sells a kite it was probably used more than one that was only flown on vacation. It is best to check with the seller.

Also, inquire if he is first hand or if several have flown with him before.

4. repairs

If the kite has repairs, the question is where and how. If a sailmaker has sewn it professionally it is not a problem. Otherwise, be careful. Always have a photo sent.

But the most important thing is that the valves and all struts are tight and the kite does not lose air. Then you can confidently buy a repaired kite.

I wish you a lot of fun browsing and shopping, always a good bargain and a lot of fun in the water, on land, in the snow …

Feel free to leave your experiences in buying second hand and your favorite stores.

Unsere Empfehlung

Kitesurfen auf Sardinien

Unser erster Kitereiseführer ganze Neu, Sardinien in der 2. Ausgabe

Unser neuer Kitereiseführer: Kitesurfen auf Sardinien ist in unserem Kiteshop erhältlich.

  • 60 Kitespots und Infos auf 400 Seiten
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Unsere Empfehlung

Der KITEreiseguide fürs griechische Festland

Ab sofort ist unser zweiter KITEreiseführer: Kitesurfen in Griechenland in unserem Shop erhältlich.

  • 40 Kitespots und Infos auf 480 Seiten
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

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Unsere Empfehlung

Unser Kitefoilkurs

Ab sofort findest du unsere deutschsprachige KITEfoilvideoschulung in unserem Mitgliedsbereich.

  • 6 deutschsprachige Videos
  • Einzelvideos oder komplettes Kurspaket
  • 1 Jahr lang unbegrenzten Zugang
  • für Anfänger und Aufsteiger

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Unsere Empfehlung

Der KITEreiseguide für Kroatien

Ab sofort ist unser dritter Kitereiseführer für Kroatien in unserem Online-Shop erhältlich.

  • 30 Kitespots
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Our recommendation

Der KITEreiseguide für Portugal

Ab sofort ist unser vierter Kitereiseführer für Portugal in unserem Online-Shop zum vorbestellen erhältlich.

Unter all den Vorbestellungen
wird wieder ein 30,- € EinfachKiten

  • Erscheint: Dezember 2022
  • mit ca. 30 Kitespots
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

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Kitespot Puzziteddu Sizily from Einfach Kiten

Kitesurfing in Puzziteddu

The well-known wave spot for kitesurfing is relatively secluded in the southwest of the island of Sicily and is 10 kilometers east of the town of Mazara del Vallo. One

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Who writes here?

My name is Sabrina and I am a passionate kiter. I report about cool kitespots, funny experiences and give tips about kitesurfing, kitefiling and life in a camper.

kiteprinzess | hydrofoilgirl | kreativjunky | part time nomad

Now it's your turn

Where do you buy your material? What experience do you have with used material? Do you have any suggestions, additions, experiences or tips on the topic? I look forward to your comment.

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