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Kitesurfing in Santa Maria del Focallo

In the south-east of Sicily in the municipality of Ispica, a long bay stretches from Pozzallo to Punta Cirica o Cozzo Ciriga. The eastern part of the bay belongs to the village of Santa Maria del Focallo, which also gives

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Kitespot Puzziteddu Sizily from Einfach Kiten

Kitesurfing in Puzziteddu

The well-known wave spot for kitesurfing is relatively secluded in the southwest of the island of Sicily and is 10 kilometers east of the town of Mazara del Vallo. One

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Titelbild Kitesurfing in Spain
Hannes Lauckner

Kitesurfing in Spain

In 2023, we are really busy. In the spring, Portugal and the 2nd edition of Sardinia appeared. In addition, we are currently writing the Sicily Kitetravelguide, which is expected to

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Hannes Lauckner

Kitesurfing in Sicily

We were on the road again with our camper. This time we went to Sicily for kitesurfing and explored the beautiful island intensively. After our already published kite travel guides: Sardinia, Greece, Croatia and Portugal, the next one will be about Sicily.

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The creative kiteblog

In this blog I want to tell you about my creative experiences, cool kite moments and share experiences.

I love kiteboarding and creativity. Two things that actually have nothing in common with each other and yet influence my life very much. You could say kitesurfing made me take creativity more important again and finally make my dream of a small business come true.

The facets of kitesurfing

That’s why I would like to tell you more about this water sport that has enhanced my life. What kiting actually means, different kitespots I visit, special activities I experience and equipment I ride.

My motto: „Echte Prinzessinnen bändigen den Drachen“ and “Always be Wonderfoil“.

Windy greetings

Who writes here?

My name is Sabrina and I am a passionate kiter. I report about cool kitespots, funny experiences and give tips about kitesurfing, kitefiling and life in a camper.

kiteprinzess | hydrofoilgirl | kreativjunky | part time nomad

Kitespot Puzziteddu Sizily from Einfach Kiten

Kitesurfing in Puzziteddu

The well-known wave spot for kitesurfing is relatively secluded in the southwest of the island of Sicily and is 10 kilometers east of the town of Mazara del Vallo. One

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From now on our KITE travel guides: Kitesurfing in Croatia, Kitesurfing in Greece,Mainland and Kitesurfing in Sardinia, are available in our store.

Alle drei Kitereiseführer
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