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Kitesurfing in Sicily

Our kite trip went to the largest island in the Mediterranean for the first time

We were on the road again with our camper. This time we went to Sicily for kitesurfing and explored the beautiful island intensively. After our already published kite travel guides: Sardinia, Greece, Croatia and Portugal, the next one will be about Sicily.

The largest island in the Mediterranean

In the spring and winter of 2022 we were each for a longer time on the beautiful island and could explore the entire coast. We have tested numerous kitespots, interviewed many locals and discovered great places.

Win 30€ with a pre-order!
Our fifth kite guide Sicily is now available for pre-order in our online shop.

Since Sardinia is one of our favorite travel destinations, we had to visit her big sister as well and we didn’t regret it. The island has so much more to offer than “just” the big famous lagoon. Plus, there’s plenty to see away from the water, so you can travel to the island well with non-kiters and kids.

In summer it can be very hot and especially the northern beaches are very crowded. But the tourist season is approximately from July to August. The rest of the year you will only meet other water sports enthusiasts, ideal for an exchange.

The island is great for wintering, we were there in December and January. Many campsites and sites are open all year round, usually only the good local pubs open, you can discover the real life on the island and meet some locals.

The only real negative point is the garbage on the island. You’ll have a hard time escaping it, and you’ll keep running into small or larger piles of trash. This also makes it not always easy to dispose of them yourself. The easiest place to do this is at a campground, or head to a construction yard. There, however, they rarely take the residual waste as they do at home.

Sicily in numbers

Sicily has a total area of 25,711 km² and is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. It has a coastline length of 1,152 km, which is very varied. Once there are high rocks, alternated with beautiful sandy beaches in the south and clear pebble beaches in the north.

Sicily has 5 million inhabitants and the capital is Palermo. The highest mountain is the volcano Etna with 3.350 m. In winter you can ski on Etna in two ski resorts with about 14 km of slopes. The largest lake is Lago di Lentini with about 12 km² in the southeast of Sicily. The longest river is the Imera Meridionale, it flows across Sicily with about 144 km.

The best time to visit Sicily

You can travel to Sicily all year round and good wind conditions can be found at any time of the year. In July and August it can get very hot and there are the most tourists on the island. Winter is well suited for hibernation. It can rain more often and get cold at night, but once the sun shines it is very pleasant.

The kitespots

We visited the whole coast of Sicily, talked to many kite schools, especially in the lagoon and locals and could discover and experience a lot. As soon as there is a kitespot description for one of the kitespots in the blog, it will be linked here. But this may take some time, because we are still updating Sardinia.

Kitespots in Sicily

  • Lo Stagnone
  • Puzziteddu
  • Capo Feto

The arrival

Of course, we were also this time with our old man, the Wohnix on the road and have discovered the beautiful island intensively. This way we can get a good picture of the kitespots and their surroundings in terms of campers and report back to you.

To get to the island, you always have to take a ferry from the mainland. There are several different routes. The longest crossing takes 19:30 to 20:30 hours from Genoa to Palermo and the shortest 20 minutes from Villa San Giovanni to Messina. However, the longer the ferry, the shorter your journey on the mainland to the ferry port. Here it is up to you whether you prefer to drive the route yourself or take the ferry. It is always best to compare the prices of the different routes.

On the spot

Even before we arrived in Sicily, we researched possible kitespots to visit. We got more tips from kitesurfing on site or the kite school. We also get a lot more info about the kitespots and special highlights in the area. This year we were on the island of Sicily from May to the end of July and from mid-December to January 2023 for research. So there will be a new KITEtravelguide of Sicily in the near future. More about this then in our KITEshop.

We are always on the road with our camper and can thus test and try everything perfectly. You still have cool tips, great pitches and special experiences from you. What places, kitespots and sights can you recommend? We look forward to your tips. Gladly by comment, email, in our group: Kitesurfing in Sicily or in one of our social media channels.

Stay in contact

We will include your tips and routes in our kite travel guide. If you want to support us additionally and stay up to date, subscribe and like our social media channels on

so as not to miss anything. Or you can subscribe to our newsletter or join our WhatsApp group.

If you are on Facebook, be sure to join our group: Kitesurfing in Sicily to exchange with us and other Sicily newbies or pros.

The Kitetravelguide of Sicily

After our trip, the new Kitetravelguide: Kitesurfing in Sicily will be created. About 30 kitespots will make it into the detailed kitespot description and some more will be briefly described. But the basic structure is like the previous kite travel guides. You can pre-order the Sicily Kite Travel Guide right now and win 30€ at the same time. Expected release in early 2024.

We had a great kite trip and are still accompanied by the impressions. It was nice to meet great new people again and to discover this great island intensively.

To stay up to date, just join our Facebook group: Kitesurfing in Sicily, subscribe to our newsletter or join our WhatsApp group.

Ci vediamo!

See you!

Unsere Empfehlung

Kitesurfen auf Sardinien

Unser erster Kitereiseführer ganze Neu, Sardinien in der 2. Ausgabe

Unser neuer Kitereiseführer: Kitesurfen auf Sardinien ist in unserem Kiteshop erhältlich.

  • 60 Kitespots und Infos auf 400 Seiten
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Unsere Empfehlung

Der KITEreiseguide fürs griechische Festland

Ab sofort ist unser zweiter KITEreiseführer: Kitesurfen in Griechenland in unserem Shop erhältlich.

  • 40 Kitespots und Infos auf 480 Seiten
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

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Unser Kitefoilkurs

Ab sofort findest du unsere deutschsprachige KITEfoilvideoschulung in unserem Mitgliedsbereich.

  • 6 deutschsprachige Videos
  • Einzelvideos oder komplettes Kurspaket
  • 1 Jahr lang unbegrenzten Zugang
  • für Anfänger und Aufsteiger

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Unsere Empfehlung

Der KITEreiseguide für Kroatien

Ab sofort ist unser dritter Kitereiseführer für Kroatien in unserem Online-Shop erhältlich.

  • 30 Kitespots
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

Our recommendation

Der KITEreiseguide für Portugal

Ab sofort ist unser vierter Kitereiseführer für Portugal in unserem Online-Shop zum vorbestellen erhältlich.

Unter all den Vorbestellungen
wird wieder ein 30,- € EinfachKiten

  • Erscheint: Dezember 2022
  • mit ca. 30 Kitespots
  • Mit farbigen Kitespotfotos
  • widerstandsfähige Fadenbindung
  • hochwertiges Papier
  • Bestellung direkt bei uns

inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

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Kitesurfing in Puzziteddu

The well-known wave spot for kitesurfing is relatively secluded in the southwest of the island of Sicily and is 10 kilometers east of the town of Mazara del Vallo. One

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Who writes here?

My name is Sabrina and I am a passionate kiter. I report about cool kitespots, funny experiences and give tips about kitesurfing, kitefiling and life in a camper.

kiteprinzess | hydrofoilgirl | kreativjunky | part time nomad

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