Einfach Kiten!

With Einfachkiten we, Sabrina and Hannes, want to get you into kitesurfing easily. Be it through helpful content in our KITEblog, through useful or nice products in our KITEshop or by finding a suitable KITEschool to start with. Our KITEplattform also lives from your feedback, feel free to write us with questions and wishes.

We wish you a lot of fun while browsing and discovering our little kiter world and are looking forward to welcoming you here more often or to meet you at the water.

Windy greetings
Sabrina und Hannes

Hannes und Sabrina von Einfach Kiten!

From now on our KITE travel guides: Kitesurfing in Croatia, Kitesurfing in Greece,Mainland and Kitesurfing in Sardinia, are available in our store.

Alle drei Kitereiseführer

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